Vultures circling the NHS?

“Britain is paying the price for an overly centralised system that is reluctant to work with the private sector.” At first I thought it just stupid, but it’s actually really quite threatening, heard on 3rd April’s R4 Today programme. The commentator is advocating the system so badly failing the American people, now the Covid-19 epicentre… Continue reading Vultures circling the NHS?

No equality on a dying planet

While we are striving to settle the most contraversial issues just now, maybe worth considering the words of Sisie Orbach, by way of context? “With a broken planet, we will have no gay rights, no feminism, no respect for trans people, no attempt at fairness and justice for people of colour.Brutality is only kept at… Continue reading No equality on a dying planet

Exasperated trans Labour supporter

I listened yesterday to a radio debate between an AllianceLGB ‬spokesperson and a journalist applauding some Labour Leadership candidates for signing a pledge calling on the Party to expel “transphobic” members. A trans caller made an interesting contribution, saying that women are women, an immutable biological fact, and trans women are trans women, not women.… Continue reading Exasperated trans Labour supporter

Tories Ape Trump

Watching some aspects of the election with a sort of morbid curiosity, you can’t deny the Tories’ tactics aren’t fascinating. They saw Trump and how he won, looked at our voters, and calculated. They clearly think there is a big enough section of the electorate that will let them do similar. The likes of Rees-Mogg… Continue reading Tories Ape Trump

Trouble With Palm Oil


Appropriating natural habitats for agricultural use is a leading cause of thousands of species going extinct every year. Orangutans are unwitting ambassadors for those species that are, or soon will be, sent into oblivion. Expanding and new palm oil plantations, probably the most important vegetable oil of all, is the main driver of deforestation in… Continue reading Trouble With Palm Oil

EU Referendum decision is simple – and all about war

Possibly the single best reason for Britain’s continued membership of the European Union (EU) is that the EU prevents wars. Following war between France and Germany three times in 70 years (arguably four), the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC ) was founded shortly after World War 2 by six nations, making them industrially and economically… Continue reading EU Referendum decision is simple – and all about war