Watching some aspects of the election with a sort of morbid curiosity, you can’t deny the Tories’ tactics aren’t fascinating. They saw Trump and how he won, looked at our voters, and calculated. They clearly think there is a big enough section of the electorate that will let them do similar. The likes of Rees-Mogg and Johnson were kept out of high risk situations, like MSM interviews, until Postal Votes had all been cast; the Tories are awesome at gathering PVs and their voters mostly vote. Following that, their calculation is that there are enough other voters who will pay no more attention than to soak up Johnson’s constantly reiterated sound bites to get them across the line. That much outrage is generated over lies and horrendous policies is irrelevant to them. As with Trump, the Tories are simply not interested in the people that care about that stuff. Let’s hope their calculations are wrong!