It’s a funny thing about Health and Safety regulations. Sometimes what is deemed “healthy” or “safe” seems more likely to be what is “cheap” or “convenient”. Take asbestos as an example. Asbestos is a truly pernicious substance and can cause people to die in horrible ways. Particles are invisible, you can’t smell them, taste them… Continue reading Health and Safety gone mad? Hardly.
Category: Mike’s comments
One law for us, another law for them
The Government is planning a new law that could “bring about a revolution in corporate crime enforcement”. That means letting off their mates if they play ball. They claim the present justice system is “inadequate for dealing effectively with criminal enforcement against commercial organisations in the field of complex and serious economic crime (fraud, bribery… Continue reading One law for us, another law for them
Happy Crimbo everybody!
In yet another fantastic show of how completely out of touch with the real world the millionaires who populate the Cabinet really are, they have decided to rename “Asbos”. In future, ne’er do wells will compete to see who can collect a “Crimbo”, and all the little children will be happy. But if you are… Continue reading Happy Crimbo everybody!
Private sector – not enough jobs!
On 9th May 2012 I went to an economic debate arranged by “Insider Wales”, who provide news on business in Wales. I asked, “Do you think the private sector [in North Wales] can provide enough jobs to make up for the cuts in public sector empl;oyment?” Panel responses were illuminating. Institute of Directors North Wales… Continue reading Private sector – not enough jobs!