Marius killed to prevent "in-breeding"

Chopping down 150 year old Holmes Oak trees in North Wales because they are not native (whatever that means) may seem the harmless actions of some purists of mind in Natural Resources Wales (the environmental “regulator”). But it is a step on a very dangerous road.  It led, a few days ago, to the killing… Continue reading PROTECTING “BLOOD PURITY” LEADS TO DISASTER


It is worth repeating that in Britain we have scientifically proven standards we regard as appropriate for animal welfare whilst the majority of people regard religious faith as unproven. So protection of animals from suffering should not be secondary to religious beliefs. The number of animals being slaughtered without first being stunned is between 25%… Continue reading BAN RELIGIOUS SLAUGHTER – PETITION

Stephen Fry and Bertrand Russell on Atheism

People often tell Stephen Frythat he shouldn’t call himself an atheist, he should call himself an agnostic because he can‘t know there isn’t a God, and therefore he must be agnostic. Bertrand Russell answered this one brilliantly many years ago. Bertrand Russell said “Many things are beyond the realm of absolute knowledge in any sense,… Continue reading Stephen Fry and Bertrand Russell on Atheism


Interesting article on food security, but which failed to reach the obvious conclusion. To be more “food secure” in an increasingly unstable world, the single most effective measure would for us to move to a vegan diet. In “What Future Our Food” (see latest edition of Unite the Union’s magazine), agricultural scientist Dr Clutterbuck points… Continue reading BEST FOOD SECURITY – GO VEGAN!

Hague wants everyone watching each other, East German-style

William Hague’s “If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear” is simplistic nonsense, as well he knows. To accept it as true, you need to believe the state: is incapable of error will never draw the wrong conclusion employs no-one with the wrong motives, and is and forever will be benign. You… Continue reading Hague wants everyone watching each other, East German-style