Your holiday snaps may not breach copyright after all – update

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Update on my post about your holiday snaps possibly soon infringing EU copyright laws. Labour MEP, Derek Vaughan has told me the EU committee vote that wanted to take away some of your rights to photograph buildings and monuments has no legal effect. But the European Commission will propose a wide-ranging copyright reform by the… Continue reading Your holiday snaps may not breach copyright after all – update

Any talk of Greece leaving the EU is vindictive and short sighted idiocy

The European Union started in 1951 to prevent more wars. The European Coal and Steel Community tied industries together and made a common market amongst members, “to make another war was not only unthinkable but materially impossible.” [Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, 1950] Britain has maintained its own odd isolation, but most EU countries have… Continue reading Any talk of Greece leaving the EU is vindictive and short sighted idiocy

Don’t blame Scotland for the General Election, blame Labour’s arrogant leadership

There will be a lot of people in other parts of the UK who are very cross with Scotland this morning, and confused that in the independence referendum just months ago they decided to stay in the UK, then they send almost exclusively SNP MPs to Westminster. It is wrong to be cross with Scotland… Continue reading Don’t blame Scotland for the General Election, blame Labour’s arrogant leadership